These are a few of our favorite things: Reviews from players

While The Counting Kingdom is launching for iOS on November 6th, it's been available on Steam and the Humble Store for PC & Mac since August!  Since that time the game has gotten some wonderful reviews from users who are enjoying their adventure through the kingdom, a we're sharing some of that love here on the blog today:

Steam user Scotthyman found that the game has had a big impact in his household:

The Counting Kingdom has caused quite a stir in my house, as my seven-year-old son is mad at me for pulling him away from the game after 45 minutes to brush his teeth and go to bed.  He picked it up very quickly and became quite engrossed in solving the math problems and finding creative solutions to the latter levels.

On Twitter, @AGuyInCatShirts sent founder Jenna Hoffstein one of her favorite all-time tweets:

Which makes us feel like this:

We could share great feedback from our players all day (that sounds like fun to me!), but I'll pick just one more from TriggerHappyBub on Steam, which shows that The Counting Kingdom really can be enjoyed by anyone:

The only way The Counting Kingdom can disappoint is if you miss out on playing it.  If I was still young, this game is the kind of fun that would have made me late to school, but since I'm an adult, it makes me late to work.


The Counting Kingdom is launching November 6th for iPad & iPhone! Don't miss it - sign up for our newsletter to be notified the day of launch.